Hierachy on the rise and chaos in control!

Airsoft-Anarchy presents

Disposable Heroes II

Winter Assassination








With the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the country has become a hot bed for Arms dealers, drug runners and private contractors. With so much activity concentrated in one area it was only a matter of time before a larger country would find interest in what this war torn country would have to offer and start to push towards it. Kazakhstan has been pressured by Russia to push troops into the Afghanistan region, but with Uzbekistan being right in the way and relations not being good between the two countries tension are running high. The Afghan citizens have come together to start their own version of a militia. It is uncertain if there are still remnants of a Taliban influence within this militia so an independent strike team, only known as Disposable Heroes, has been dispatched to investigate this and eradicate any hostiles with in this group. At present time, the exact location of the Disposable Heroes is unknown. Reports of a small group of armed men north of Afghanistan heading south have come up with no solid leads at this time. Another report of Snipers taking assassination attempts on high ranking officials from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan have been confirmed, but it is not clear who is behind these assassination attempts at the moment.


  In other related news Ex State Sen. Leland Yee has serviced in Uzbekistan. He had all but disappeared after being charged with trying to sell Arms to an undercover FBI Agent. It appears he has stepped up his game and is now selling small arms to anyone with that is willing to buy them. As well as small arms, it is rumored he has Intel and larger weapons for sale. Not to be out done, well known and even more feared Ex-Soviet officer gone Arms and Drug dealer, Viktor Bout has planted root near the Kazakhstan /Uzbekistan border. He makes weekly trips into Afghanistan to sale weapons for money and drugs from that region. With both men making a push into this area there will be conflicts no doubt. Daily humanitarian supplies have not been reaching the people who need them most. Most of the supplies end up on the black market and sold to the highest bidders. Reports of these supplies being sold by both Viktor Bout and Leland Yee have yet to be confirmed, but we are sure they will be investigated by the Disposable Heroes when they arrive. As each day passes, the pressure in this region on get greater and it is only a matter of time before something gives. Who will is going to be able to imposed their will and reap the spoils of victory, only time will tell.